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Meet Tom


We asked Tom  a very important question: in a zombie apocalypse, who are 3 customers you want on your team?

His answer: Kim Bergantzal, Justin Thompson, and Edward Rocha.


That's what Tom loves about Barley's, the people!


Meet Tom -

Tom has been working at Barley’s for 3 years. “I love our customers, being able to hand someone an ice cold beer after they’ve had a long day makes me so happy. “

Tom’s favorite drink to make is well….already made. Beer. Fairy Nectar, made by Kros Strain Brewing Company, to be specific.


You won’t catch Tom behind the bar on Tuesday nights, because Tuesdays are bike night. Ask him about it!


Tom proudly served in the US Air Force for 8 years, as a water and fuels maintenance journeyman. #MeetUsMonday

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